born 2006-03-30:

S*Månlyckans Buffalo Bill
NFO n 09 24
CH S*HouseOfHarmony Smashin'Smile
NFO ns 09 24

A big thank you to Titti (Buffi's owner), Ann S*Månlyckans and Maja S*Jamaloss
for Smilla ans Buffi's wunderbar date!
Also a giants thanks to my bonus child Jennie Friberg for all the picture you taken on the litter.
Specially the heart picture, I've not seen some similar so far.

Both parenting animals are tested for HCM (a heart disease)

Pedigree Pawpeds

ns 03 22
Höijer-Karlsson family
ns 03 24
Christina and Lars Hallström
To see pictures on the cats as adults, press on the name

Pictures on the A-litter


Our kittens do not move from us until they are atleast 12 weeks of age, and:
* De-wormed
* Vaccinated for catpest and catcold
* Registered in SVERAK with a pedigree
* Veterinairy checked with a certificate.
* ID marked



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